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Achieving Insulin Sensitivity


This 5-week program will give you the tools to conquer insulinĀ resistanceĀ and empower you to achieve better health.

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It is time to start living the life you want with good health.


Eating healthy food that is similar to your normal diet and compatible with your cultural preferences, exercise or movement that is comfortable for your fitness level are a part of this 5 week program.


This program can be taken alone or in conjunction with the A1C Transformation Path.

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What You Will Learn


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Insulin sensitivity, and an outline of how to improve it. 

We will cover the critical nature of improving insulin sensitivity and all the things you can do in your life to improve it.

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Daily practices.

In this module, we'll review the steps to take including morning practices and daily commitments.  Developing growth mindset is central.

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Eating habits and insulin sensitivity.

What type of foods promote insulin sensitivity?  Is it beneficial to count carbs?  What meds promote insulin sensitivity?

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Exercise and movement.

What is the effect of exercise on insulin sensitivity?  Which promotes weight loss and how to measure insulin sensitivity.


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Additional suggestions.

Other daily practices to improve insulin sensitivity, and more on meds.

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Customized diet plans.

We discuss how to integrate a diet that works for you and works to keep your A1C under control. If you are from Asia, you will choose a diet different than if you are from Mexico. Wherever you are from and whatever your preferences are, we can help you integrate that into a diet that works.

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Adjusting your lifestyle.

In this module we will discuss adjusting to life in a conscious way.  If you travel, learn how to adapt so you can maintain your healhty habits. Do you get sick? How to get healthy faster. Are you dealing with Covid in a healthy way keeping your immune system strong?  Have you been vaccinated? There will be 4 videos.

Make Change Happen


It has taken years to develop insulin resistance.  Genes are really a small part of it.  Developing a lifestyle with healthy eating habits, good sleep, exercise or movement that is compatible with your present condition, balancing stress are some of the things that will maximize your insulin sensitivity.


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I took 

Joel's insulin Sensitivity Program at the same time I took the A1C Program.. The two programs taken at the same time, literally changed my life. Implementing the programs allowed me to gain the knowledge and how to implement it to reduce my blood sugar numbers. I now find it inspiring to implement what i learned each day, and gain the ability to get back n track when i need to~Jim Cutler

Achieving Insulin Sensitivity

5-week course starting March 2nd, 2022



2 Equal Monthly Payments

  • Instant access to Achieving  Insulin Sensitivity.
  • Access to our private Facebook group to share, inspire and motivate others and yourself.
  • Lifetime access to all videos.



Upfront and SAVE

  • Instant access to Achieving  Insulin Sensitivity.
  • Access to our private Facebook group to share, inspire and motivate others and yourself.
  • Lifetime access to all videos.

I know you have questions...

Lifestyle changes are essential to prevent pre-diabetes from becoming diabetes, and to achieve greater insulin sensitivity at all stages.

Achieve Life-Changing Results


Before the Course

  • You’re frustrated because your blood sugar after a meal is higher than it should be.
  • You are frustrated at your morning blood sugar levels.
  • You get frustrated when it takes too long for your blood sugar to come down after eating.
  • There’s no pattern in your insulin resistance, and it’s driving you crazy.
  • You are too often tempted to eat things you shouldn't.
  • It feels like you’re putting effort in but “missing” a piece that you can’t figure out.

After the Course

  • You’ll have a life with more clarity and freedom and you’ll be eating MORE carbs and have lower morning blood sugars.
  • You’ll come back down to a normal range of blood sugar faster after a meal or correcting a high blood sugar.
  • You’ll understand the “missing pieces” outside of food and more cardio to reach your weight loss goals.
  • You’ll develop a deeper understanding of the roles certain habits, food, and hormones play in insulin resistance.
  • You’ll learn how certain factors of IR are showing up in your life, the science and data behind it, and action steps to combat it.
  • You’ll know what is going to happen with your blood sugars going into exercise.
  • You’ll feel more confident and have more peace of mind knowing you have all the tools you need to get yourself some actual RESULTS.